Reazul Sk – Physiotherapist in Murshidabad, Appointment

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Reazul Sk is a physiotherapist in Murshidabad and has experience of 12 + years in this field. Reazul Sk practices at a multi-specialty physiotherapy clinic in Murshidabad. He complete D.P.T from Calcutta Medical College & Hospital,  Kolkata in 2011

Dr Reazul sk - Physiotherapist in Murshidabad

Reazul Sk – Physiotherapist in Murshidabad

Physiotherapist NameReazul sk
Gender Male
Practicing Since2011
Name of State Medical CouncilState Medical Faculty of West Bengal
QualificationDiploma in physiotherapy Calcutta Medical College & Hospital 2011
ExpertiseNeurological physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
Rehabilitation physiotherapy
Geriatric physiotherapy
Pediatric physiotherapy
Experiences12 +
OrganizationAurangabad Seba Sadan
Registration Number
Full AddressBangdubi, Nimtita, Murshidabad
Visiting HoursDaily Sunday to Monday
(7 am to 12 pm, 4 pm to 8 pm)

Phone for Appointment8016911012


What is the Reazul Sk – Physiotherapist Address?

Bangdubi, Nimtita, Murshidabad

What is the Reazul Sk – Physiotherapist Appointment Number?


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9 thoughts on “Reazul Sk – Physiotherapist in Murshidabad, Appointment”

  1. খুব খুব খুব সুন্দর doctor,
    Reazul doctor এর ব্যাবহার এবং রুগী দেখার কৌশল খুব সুন্দর ।

    আমি রুগী দেখিয়ে সন্তুষ্ট 😌😌😌

  2. I consider who are suffering for paralyze,
    Back pain, knee pain, back musclular pain
    Etc. Visit naw (dr reazul)
    Best doctor for ever I have seen

  3. Doctor babu
    amader jangipur e bosun
    Sujnipara Te thaka kalin Amader subidha hoto

    Ekhn nimtita Jaya osobidha

    Apni jangipur e bosar babosha korun

    Jasim mollik


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